Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ministry and Worship Update

At PUMC we are launching several new ministries!
  • Joan Eaton and her daughters will be making school bags for children in Africa. She asked the church if we are intersted in providing No.2 pencils, pencil sharpeners, large pink erasers, spiral-bound notebooks, construction paper, blunt-nose scissors or rulers (must have metric markings) for the bags. She is also looking for help in stuffing the bags and shipping them. If you'd like to help or provide money, please leave a comment on this posting with your contact information (email or phone). Sewing and packing bags will be planned with the residents of the James Steam Mill.
  • We are making and distributing Prayer Shawls. If you would like to make a shawl (must be machine washable) or if you know someone who would like a shawl, lap-blanket or stole, please let us know. Prayer shawls can be knitted, crocheted, quilted or any other form of soft material. We dedicate and pray over the shawls before giving them to those in need of warmth and comfort during illness, loss or other difficult time. The prayer shawl ministry group is sharing patterns, and is also considering meeting together to make the shawls with one another. This is a great opportunity for ministry on your own time, at your own pace, that really touches lives. It is also a wonderful way to learn a new craft!
  • Saturday Evening Worship begins Saturday, October 4 at 4pm. We know that not everyone who would like to join us in worship finds Sunday at 9am to be a convenient or even a feasible time for their schedule. For those who are looking for an alternative, we will be offering this Saturday Worship option. The service will reflect of the gifts of the congregation. Our first service on October 4 will be a healing service with communion.

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