Sunday, February 13, 2011

You are the Chocolate of the Earth

Pastor Pam provided a modern interpretation of today's scripture (Matthew 5:13-16) during today's children's sermon that seemed worth sharing.

What does it mean to be "the salt of the earth" today? Salt reminds us of high blood pressure, fried food, and unhealthy eating habits. That doesn't seem like something we should be spreading around. One might argue that throwing out salt "to trample underfoot" is a necessity this winter due to all the ice and snow. Trying to explain what Jesus meant by his analogy "You are the salt of the earth" to young Christians posed a challenge.

We thought about something we eat that makes us feel good. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for our bodies, but how would your friend respond if you gave them some Brussels Sprouts as a sign of God's love? That analogy didn't seem to be quite right either.

Inspired by Valentine's Day, we thought that perhaps chocolate is a better analogy. The kids described making chocolate chip cookies or brownies and agreed that these were some of their favorite foods, and were something to share with their family and friends. Chocolate tastes good, it makes us feel good, and it's even better when you share it with others - just like God's love.

So this week, as you share chocolates with your Valentine, let's also remember to share God's love with one another.

February 2011 Calendar

Church Events:
Wednesday, February 16: Bible Study at Beverly's House.
Thursdays at 3pm: Choir Rehearsal,
Saturday, February 19: Church Council, 9am

Regular Meetings at the Church:
Meals on Wheels, Monday through Friday 11am - 12:30pm
Angel Gabriel Quilters, Tuesday at 7pm
Emotions Anonymous, Thursday at 7pm

Lent begins on March 9. There will be an Taize format Ash Wednesday service with Communion at 12:30pm followed by a luncheon. Merrimacport UMC will hold an evening service at 7:30pm with the Sacred Dance group sharing a selection.

There is Sunday afternoon worship the first Sunday of each month at 3pm. Please join us on March 6 for our next afternoon worship service.