There will be Bible Study at 4:30pm at LeeAnn's home. There will also be Bible Study at Beverly's home at 7pm. Both groups are starting Growing Older and Wiser.
Regular weekly events:
- The Angel Gabriel Quilters meet Tuesdays at 7pm at the church.
- Emotions Anonymous meets Thursdays at 7pm at the church
- The Choir rehearses at 3pm on Thursdays at the church.
- A special Cantata choir rehearses at 4pm on Sundays at the church. They will present a Palm Sunday Cantata on March 28.
Upcoming Sermons:
March 7 (Third Sunday of Lent): Praying from the Belly of the Great Big Fish - Jonah 2:1-10
March 14 (Fourth Sunday of Lent): The God of the Second Chance - Jonah 3:1-4
March 21 (Fifth Sunday of Lent): About Face! - Jonah 3: 5-10
March 28 (Palm Sunday): We will celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem with Palms, then end the service with preparation for Jesus' trials on the cross.
Lenten Events:
April 1: Maunday Thursday service at Merrimacport UMC at 7pm
April 4: Sunrise Service at Carey Park in Merrimacport at 6:15am
April 4: Easter Worship Service at 9am at People's UMC